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2021 Filmpool Grant Season Coming Soon... 📝

Each year, the Filmpool provides up to $10,000 in cash funding for our membership and their independent projects. We are happy to announce that we will continue this tradition in 2021 through our Filmmaker's Production Assistance Program.

Grant support is available annually to independent projects for one of three stages:

  1. Production

  2. Post-Production

  3. Distribution

Production grants will be applied for as either an established or emerging filmmaker.

  • Established applicants may apply for up to $2,500 in funding and $2,500 in equipment deferral.

  • Emerging filmmakers are eligible for up to $800 in funding and $1,000 in equipment deferral.

  • The production coordinator or jury may, at their discretion, shift an application to or from either the established or emerging category as they see fit.

Post-production grants may apply for up to $2,500 in funding and $1,000 in facility deferral. Distribution grants may apply for up to $1,000 in funding.

We are also happy to announce that this year we will continue the Trudy Stewart Award, an annual award created to honour Indigenous filmmaker and artist Trudy Stewart's life and legacy. Eligible applicants are filmmakers of Indigenous descent who are full members of the Saskatchewan Filmpool in good standing. The $1,000 prize is to be used for production or post-production costs for a project by the successful applicant.

If you are needing help with your application or have any questions, we are hosting a Grant Writing Workshop & Information Session on March 20th from 12-2 PM. Led by award-winning filmmaker Dianne Ouellette, Through this workshop, attendees will be walked through the Filmpool’s grant application process with step by step advice and necessary info about the expectations for the grant!

Grant Applications will be open and accepted starting on March 15th, 2021.

Deadlines for both the Filmmaker's Assistance Program and the Trudy Stewart Award grants are April 15th, 2021.

For more information about our grants and funding process, visit or email

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