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Call for Submissions - Splice Magazine


Write for Splice! We're accepting submissions for pitches for our Spring issue and would love to hear your ideas. Deadline for the Spring Issue is May 1, 2023. More information on how to pitch can be found here. One idea we'd love someone to write for us about is: "Why do we write about films in Saskatchewan?" Why is it important? What do we gain from it? Why should we continue to do it?

We're also looking for pitches for our 45th Anniversary Issue, coming out this fall! Help us celebrate Splice and everything we've done over the last four and a half decades. Pitches can be about influential moments or members, notable work, a timeline of how Splice has changed, etc. If former Splice editors would be interested in submitting reflection pieces, we'd love to hear from you.

Get in touch with this year's editor, Amielle Christopherson,

Splice is an online journal focused on filmmaking and film culture in Saskatchewan. The magazine is published by the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative and overseen by a volunteer advisory committee that reports to the Saskatchewan Filmpool’s Board of Directors. Splice was first published back in 1978, one year after the Filmpool was founded, and continues to be published seasonally.

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Home page montage of member films created by; Elian Mikkola & Kyath Battie

Website created by Toro Creative Co.

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