The Filmpool’s AGM is this coming Sunday, September 13th at 1pm.
This year it will held online via Zoom.
If members would like to attend the AGM, please register via email at, and an invitation link will be sent to you plus the documents that will be reviewed at the meeting. All members of the organization are invited to attend the Fimpool’s AGM, however, only (Production) Basic and Full members have voting privileges, as well as the opportunity to become a member of the Filmpool’s Board of Directors.
This year we have 5 Board members returning for their second year of service, so we will have 6 open spots on the Board. We are still seeking nominations to the Board, so if anyone is interested in running this year please contact the Filmpool at For any nominees please send a short bio as well.
We look forward to seeing everyone this Sunday at the meeting.