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Filmpool 2016 Filmmaker’s Production Assistance Program Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of the Filmpool’s 2016 Filmmaker’s Production Assistance Program, First Filmmaker Fund, and Equipment Deferrals! There were a large number of applicants this year, making the job of the jury particularly difficult. Grant Recipients:

  1. Berny Hi, “Der Glockner”

  2. Jason Britski, “Haircut Man”

  3. Mattias Graham, “Red Can”

  4. Tim Thurmeier, “Ruined”

First Film Fund:

  1. Ella Mikkola, “Waves”

  2. Scott Woloshin, “Road Games”

  3. Rhys Pugh, “Heistery”

EQ Deferral:

  1. Berny Hi, “Der Glockner”

  2. Daniel Beaulieu, “Snot Bubbles”

  3. Ella Mikkola, “Waves”

  4. Lucas Frison, “Talent”

  5. Rhys Pugh, “Heistery”

  6. Sam Flamont, “Three Dames”

  7. Sandra Staples-Jetko, “Prehistoric Saskatchewan Mammals”

Thank you to all applicants and to the jury. Find out more information about our Filmmaker’s Production Assistance Program.

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