Are you a Filmpool member who would like to get more involved? We’re looking for volunteers to join the Splice magazine committee.
Please email us at to advise us of your interest and availability, or fill out this form by May 15:

Join the Splice Magazine Committee! Splice magazine is a journal of independent filmmaking and film culture in Saskatchewan, and has been published by the Saskatchewan Filmpool for more than 40 years.
The Splice magazine committee is responsible for the production and distribution of Splice magazine, a publication produced by the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative reflecting its mission and mandate — in particular its support of independent visionary filmmaking. The committee is responsible to the Board of Directors, which receives recommendations from the committee and provides direction to the magazine’s editor. As Splice prepares to launch its new digital platform, now is an exciting time to get involved.
Commitment: the Committee meets three times per year. You must be a Filmpool full member in good standing in order to apply.
We look forward to hearing from you!