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Making <em>Malignance</em> part II: on set


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(check out part I: pre-production) In late August and early September we shot the film with a small amount of money and a huge amount of support from the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative (who provided all of the equipment), our talented actor Mr. Josh Strait (Corner Gas, The Tall Man, Wolfcop, along with numerous short films developed in Saskatchewan), and our amazingly motivated crew (all names worthy of mention: Jason Rister, Danielle Austin, Paul Crepeau, Mohammed Saadoun, Lynsey Johnson, Jay Husk, Joel Davis, and Burns Holland).

We had additional support through an Indiegogo campaign that raised several hundred dollars for the production phase. Thank you to everyone who donated. There are many others who donated their time and resources to help get Malignance in the can. Thank you to all them, we are eternally grateful!

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The entirety of the film was shot on location at a secluded cabin in the woods east of Yorkton. Due to budgetary restrictions and the fact that the cabin was 3 hours from Regina, the whole gang lived and worked at the location for a week and a half. Looking back I would not have changed a thing!

The experience created a work environment that was void of any distractions; no cell phones and no internet (plus if anyone tried to escape they would not be able too. Ha-ha I joke!).

Besides eating and sleeping, and sometimes building a little fort, we did nothing but shoot, shoot, shoot. Sometimes the bugs were bad, sometimes it was cold during long night shoots, sometimes we were crazy tired and crazy from being tired, and yet spirits remained committed to the film and everyone did an outstanding job. I cannot thank everyone enough! You can check out a behind the scenes vignette here:

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Home page montage of member films created by; Elian Mikkola & Kyath Battie

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